Guangzhou Yili Trading Co., Ltd
About Us
Guangzhou Yili Trading Co., Ltd is the trading branch company of Tianlong Group, located in Panyu district, Guangzhou City. Tianlong established in 2001, is focusing on researching, developing and producing powder coating additives and pigments. Main products includes functional agents: Matting agent, curing agent, leveling/flow agent, wax, hardener, dispersant, wetting agent, anti-oxidant, anti-caking agent, scratch resistant agent, UV resistant additives, degassing agent, anti-finger printing agent, bezoine, fire-retardant agent. Art texture additives: Sand texture agent, wrinkle texture agent, waterline texture agent, flower dot texture agent, tortoise skin finish agent, hammer tone texture agent, crack finish agent, embossed texture additives. Powder coating pigments: Aluminum powder..
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